KLART Legal is a legal partnership notified to the Budapest Bar Association based on Hungarian Bar Association Regulation 8/2017. (XI.20.) MÜK.
Szabó Levente Antal Ügyvédi Iroda, registration number by the BBA: 4208
HUF: 10700024-70421712-51100005
EUR: 10700024-70421712-50100002
KLART Legal Partnership is a legal partnership set up on the basis of the Hungarian Bar Association Regulation 8/2017. (XI.20.) MÜK.
The provisions of Act LXXVIII of 2017 on the activities of lawyers, the Regulation, and the Partnership Agreement govern the rights, obligations, and liabilities of the lawyers and law firms taking part in the legal partnership.
The leader and representative of the Legal Partnership are Szabó Levente Antal Ügyvédi Iroda, which is also entitled to make statements and accept assignments on behalf of the Legal Partnership and its members.
We regularly publish our articles on the worlds of competition law, IT, data protection, intellectual property, and family businesses.
You can read about the latest news in the world of business law, family businesses, and legal technology from our newsletters. Sign up to be notified directly. You can find our privacy information here.
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Bar association
This website is maintained by KLART Legal Law Firm (leading member: Szabó Levente Antal Law Firm registered by the Budapest Bar Association, leading attorney-at-law: dr. Szabó Levente Antal), in accordance with the legal provisions and internal regulations applicable to attorneys at the Hungarian Bar Association’s official website (www.magyarugyvedikamara.hu) along with the information on client’s rights.
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The information on this website does not constitute legal advice. The information on the website is protected by copyright, its use, reproduction or disclosure to the public by KLART LEGAL | Levente Antal Szabó is subject to the prior consent of the Law Firm.
We regularly publish our articles on the worlds of competition law, IT, data protection, intellectual property and family businesses.
You can find out about the latest news in the world of business law, family companies and legal technology from our newsletters. Sign up to be notified directly. You can find our privacy information here.
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